Spring in the fifth grade is a very busy time! Below is a list of upcoming events that are happening with your fifth grader. This will be updated when there is more information available.
7 - Spring Concert 9:15 - Band, Strings, and Chorus students show off their skills. Parents welcome!
9 - Students attend an assembly to kick of the CPort college essay contest.
14 - Students from Saint Joseph’s College come to teach science.
14 - Math Meet - Southern Maine Meet, only 6-12 members of math team can attend.
21 - Students from Saint Joseph’s College come to teach science.
22 - Math MEA Day 1
23 - Math MEA Day 2
24 - Movie Night! This is a fundraiser to raise money for our fifth grade trip. We are showing the movie ‘Trolls’ $5 per family
27 - In school conferences - already scheduled
27 - Portland Symphony Orchestra Field Trip
28 - Language MEA Day 1
28 - Students from Saint Joseph’s College come to teach science.
29 - Language MEA Day 2
30 - ½ day dismissal
30 - Parent Teacher Conferences
30 - District 2 Elementary Music Festival - 5 of our musical students will be attending.
31 - ½ day dismissal
31 - Parent Teacher Conferences
1 - 14 MEA Testing Continues
4 - Students from Saint Joseph’s College come to teach science.
4 - Reading MEA Day 1
5 - Reading MEA Day 2
7 - side x side kickoff - Students will be starting a film project with teaching artists from the side x side project. We will be showing our final films in May
11 - Students from Saint Joseph’s College come to teach science.
11 - Math Meet - Portland Schools meet, entire math team can attend.
17 - 21 No School, April Vacation
24 - 28 MEA Science test. 3 tests done on 3 different days. Exact days and times have not yet been determined.
25 - Winners of last year’s CPort Essay contest visit UNE
27 - Science field trip to Saint Joseph’s College
2 - Math Meet - Southern Maine Meet, only 6 math team members can attend.
8 - 19 MEA writing test. This will be one day of testing. Exact days and times have not yet been determined.
16 - Fifth grade parent night and side x side film screening. Parents encouraged to attend!
18 - Field Trip to see a Portland Sea Dogs game
26 - Step up day - students visit the middle school they will attend for sixth grade.
29 - No School - Memorial Day
1 - All City Elementary Track Meet - 9:00-1:30
2 - CPort essay winners announced 1:30
9 - Field trip to the New England Aquarium in Boston
*The following events will occur but we do not yet know specific details.
- Field Day
- Fifth Grade Farewell